I offer workshops and coaching to drama departments and young aspiring actors.

SHORT Workshops

These workshops can be between one and three hours in duration, depending on the number of students and the need for individual practice.

  • American dialect work: A practical introduction to American sounds with reference to the International Phonetic Alphabet

  • Shakespeare: Exploring resources, scansion and approaching text from an actor’s point of view - playing it!

  • Auditioning: What to expect at castings, acting for camera, slating, self taping

  • Topic specific lectures: eg. You need an introduction to a specific play and/or playwright. These lectures are offered at a higher rate, as they require extensive dramaturgical research and preparation.

Workshop price range: R600 - R1800

Private Coaching and directing

Guidance on text interpretation, physical and vocal characterisation, navigating space, pace, pauses, the actor’s relationship to the audience, etc.

  • Preparation for practical examinations

  • Preparing monologues for auditions

  • Showcases or productions

Private coaching from R240 an hour.

Directing group rehearsals from R280 an hour / co-directing from R200 an hour.


If you require a workshop or training that does not fall within the offerings described, but might be crafted to suit your curriculum, please don’t hesitate to reach out and have a conversation. I’d love to help.

To request a quotation, drop me a message here and I will get back to you via e-mail.